Wednesday, February 11, 2009

SitStayFetch: The Complete Guide To Stop Your Dogs Behavior Problems!

If you have been searching for good quality dog training books to train your unruly dog behavior, you probably will have searched through mountains of information and come across volume of dog training books that it is hard to tell the good from the bad.

A popular but inferior dog training book is not going to benefit you or your dog, neither is it easy to get excited when the book isn't all that great.

However, the good news is Daniel Stevens, a dog training expert, has released a book titled 'SitStayFetch' covering every aspect of dog training that you are ever likely to need. One of the easiest to follow dog behavior training books on the market, you will learned more from this resource than anything regarding dog training. In terms of quality, information and features, his book is at the top of the market.

What You Will Get In SitStayFetch

The hugely popular book is divided into nine chapters or over 150 pages chock full of all the latest dog training methods and techniques. One of the easiest to follow dog training books on the market, SitStayFetch gives tried and proven dog training programs to help you deal with a huge variety of dog problems, like:

* Aggression
* Biting, mouthing and nipping
* Poop eating or Coprophagia
* Chewing
* Digging
* Disobedience
* Shyness
* Off-leash problems
* Jealousy
* Dogs rivalries
* Excessive barking
* Travel problems
* Having more than one dog in the house
* Bad breath
* Cat and car chasing
* Hot weather and heatstroke
* Jumping on furniture and people
* Separation anxiety
* A death in the family

Jam-packed with information, including over 100 exclusive photos, SitStayFetch is also an excellent visual learning tool to take you step-by-step through your dog training process. The training techniques are also non-physical and teaches dog owners how to understand and communicate with their dogs effectively. Included within to help you further are also topics on:

Selecting, buying and raising a puppy or older dog

The best ways to care for your dog

The advantages and disadvantages of all the training method

How to understand your dog through body language, facial expressions and the impact of wolf instincts

How to train your dog virtually any command and tricks including Come, Hold, Leave, Seek, Beg, Catch, Crawl, and even climb ladders!

The best methods to train your dog, including the latest thing in dog training dog whispering!

Plus Training Commands and Tricks Explained in SitStayFetch:

Come (Recall)
Roll Over
Okay and No
Training Program
Hold and Leave
Advanced Seek (Find)
Sit and Stay
Advanced Sit and Stay
Down (Drop)
Fetch (Retrieve)
Heel Stage 1 - 3

In addition to this fabulous dog training book package includes 5 bonuses when you get SitStayFetch.

These include 4 bonus mini booklets titled:

1. Dog Grooming Made Easy
2. Tips On How To Security Train Your Dog
3. All The House Training Methods And Tricks
4. Secrets To Becoming The Alpha Dog

.. and the fifth bonus -- a free online email consultation to customers who may have specific problems or concerns to address. This is particularly useful if you are having difficulty with a command or have a particular dog problem that you are struggling with, or even a unique problem that is not covered in this comprehensive book package.

SitStayFetch is highly recommended if you have a dog of any age or breed that you want to train successfully. The information is so simple to comprehend, and apply; many dog owners have enjoyed extremely fast results with this book and gave their testimonials on SitStayFetch as indeed the best and also one of the most comprehensive dog training books available on the market.

James Lee is a dog lover who has benefited from the SitStayFetch book. For more information, please visit:

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